For Grade 2:

  1. Number upto 1000
  2. Addition and Subtraction within 1000
  3. Multiplication and Division of 2 3 4 5 & 10
  4. length
  5. Mass
  6. Volume
  7. Money
  8. Fractions
  9. Time
  10. Picture Graph 12D & 3D Shapes
  11. Heuristics

For Grade 3 & 4:

  1. Number Upto 100000
  2. Factors And Multiples
  3. 4 Operations of Whole Numbers within 100000
  4. Fractions
  5. Decimals
  6. Time
  7. Area And Perimeters
  8. Angles
  9. Properties of Rectangle and Squares.
  10. Line Symmetry
  11. Table, Bar graphs and Line graphs
  12. Money
  13. Length, Mass and Volume
  14. Parallel and Perpendicular lines
  15. Heuristics

For Grade 5 & 6:

  1. Numbers upto 10 Millions
  2. 4 Operation of wholesome number within 10 millions
  3. 4 operations of fractions
  4. 4 operations of decimals
  5. Ratio
  6. Percentage
  7. Area and Perimeter of composite Figures
  8. Angles
  9. Properties of Triangle and Quadrilaterals
  1. Volume of Cube and Cuboid
  2. Rate and Speed
  3. Average
  4. Algebra
  5. Pie Graph
  6. Nets Solid Figures
  7. Heuristics

For Grade 7 & 8:

  1. Numbers upto 10 Millions
  2. 4 Operation of wholesome number within 10 millions
  3. 4 operations of fractions
  4. 4 operations of decimals
  5. Ratio
  6. Percentage
  7. Area and Perimeter of composite Figures
  8. Angles
  9. Properties of Triangle and Quadrilaterals
  1. Volume of Cube and Cuboid
  2. Rate and Speed
  3. Average
  4. Algebra
  5. Pie Graph
  6. Nets Solid Figures
  7. Heuristics

For Grade 9, 10 , 11 & 12:

  1. Numbers and Number Patterns
  2. Angles and Polygons
  3. Mensuration, Arc Length and Area of Sector
  4. Equations, Functions and Polynomial
  5. Inequalities
  6. Indices and Surds
  7. Coordinate Geometry and and Circles
  8. Pythagoras theorem, Further Trigonometry and Application Of Trigonometry
  9. Trigonometric Functions, identities and Equations
  1. Congurence and Similarity, Area and Volume of Similar Figures and Solids
  2. Geometry and Properties of  Circles
  3. Set Language and Notations
  4. Probability
  5. Statistical Data Analysis
  6. Vector in two dimensions
  7. Binomial theorem
  8. Matrices
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