STUDENT REGISTRATION FORM Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.DATECONTESTS *Please choose your desired contestDrCTDOKASASMOSINGAAMOSIMOCIJMOVANDAIWISECRESTTeenEagleINSTITUTION DETAILSINSTITUTION’S DETAILSINSTITUTE NAMETEHSILINSTITUTE POSTAL ADDRESSDISTRICTPRINCIPAL’S CONTACT DETAILSNAMECELL NO. LANDLINE NO. EmailCOORDINATOR’S CONTACT DETAILSInstitution must nominate an official to coordinate and to correspond in the absence of Principal.NAMECELL NO. LANDLINE NO. Email *I. Please fill all the columns with Capital letters only. II. The Contest will be held on as per ICA schedule. III. The fee of all contests is Rs. 2475/- per student, which can be paid through Bank Draft/Pay Order/Internet Banking, drawn in favour of INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS AND ASSESSMENTS. IV. The fee can also be directly transferred to our: MEEZAN BANK Account Title: INTERNATIONAL CONTESTS AND ASSESSMENTS IBAN: PK73MEZN0026410108378839 A/C NO: 2641- 0108378839 Branch: MEEZAN BHERA BRANCH V. The registration fee once paid is non-refundable and non-transferable. VI. PAID BANK DEPOSIT SLIP must be attached along with the registration form. Deposit slip/Bank-draft/ Pay order in Original * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. PLEASE ATTACH HERE Please fill the particulars of the students carefully according to your institution’s office record using capital letters. 1. These particulars will appear on the student’s certificates / reports. 2. If the number of students are exceeding from the given form, please attach another page of student registration form. 3. No student can be Replaced/Exchanged once registered. STUDENT PARTICULARSPlease fill the particulars of the students carefully according to your institution’s office record using capital letters. Student ParticularStudent NamePhone No & EmailD.O.B ClassLayout (copy)Student Name 2Phone No & Email 2D.O.B 2Class 2Layout (copy) (copy)Student Name 3Phone No & Email 3D.O.B 3Class 3Layout (copy) (copy) (copy)Student Name 4Phone No & Email 4D.O.B 4Class 4Layout (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)Student Name 5Phone No & Email 5D.O.B 5Class 5Layout (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)Student Name 6Phone No & Email 6D.O.B 6Class 6Layout (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy) (copy)Student Name 7Phone No & Email 7D.O.B 7Class 7Layout Student Name 8Phone No & Email 8D.O.B 8Class 8 Layout (copy)Student Name 9Phone No & Email 9D.O.B 9Class 9 Layout (copy) (copy)Student Name 10Phone No & Email 10D.O.B 10Class 10Submit REGISTRATION FORM FOR DOKA, SASMO, VANDA (SCIENCE), Dr.CT, SINGA (Maths), AMERICAN MATHEMATICS OLYMPIAD DOWNLAOD PDF FORM DOWNLAOD MS WORD FORM GLOBAL FINAL REGISTRATION FORMS IWISE DOWNLAOD PDF FORM TEEN EAGLE DOWNLAOD PDF FORM why not find out more