DrCT will get students to improve in Coding and Programming and help them to prepare for the National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI), the highest national contest for Informatics in all countries before the best 4 students are selected to represent their country for the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI)

About DrCT

To cultivate students’ creativity, logical reasoning ability, algorithmic and computational thinking skills. By solving our contest tasks and using design thinking methodology to develop solutions for a problem statement, we will facilitate a deeper understanding of the world around the learner and enable them to solve everyday problems by leveraging the power of computers and information technology. Students will pick up the finer points of programming, solution focus, and be action-oriented which is not merely writing a piece of code but involves useful algorithmic techniques and problem-solving skills. Article Sponsored Find something for everyone in our collection of colourful, bright and stylish socks. Buy individually or in bundles to add color to your drawer!

Objective of DrCT

To cultivate students’ creativity, logical reasoning ability, algorithmic and computational thinking skills.  By solving our contest tasks and using design thinking

 methodology to develop solutions for a problem statement, we will facilitate a deeper understanding of the world around the learner and enable them to solve everyday

 problems by leveraging the power of computers and information technology. Students will pick up the finer points of programming, solution focus and be action oriented 

which is not merely writing a piece of code but involves useful algorithmic techniques and problem-solving skills.


We hope to create a platform that can allow the neighbourhood schools’ students to have an opportunity to learn about informatics in a more creative way and compete

 with the rest of the world. Using Computation thinking also allows the students to have systematic approach to learn programming and our methodology of combining

 design thinking and robotics will provide an intuitive first introduction to programming, as well as infinite opportunities for gradually building more advanced projects 

using an electronics platform fulfilling a standard loved and tested by millions of people who use electronics for real-world applicable projects across the globe.


The benefits of participating in DrCT:

  • DrCT is a competition developed by IOI medalists and moderated by Professors involved in IOI.
  • DrCT is an important competition for those students taking the NOI competition. Around 25% of the questions are similar to NOI and set by IOI medalists and reviewed by NUS School of
  •  Computing  professor.
  • NOI Gold Medalists from Singapore can apply for admission to NUS School of Computing directly. DrCT will help the students to prepare for the NOI competition. It has also been found to
  •  be helpful for students preparing for NOI.
  • Competitive Programming 4 book 1 is the recommended text for DrCT and NOI written by Dr. Steven Halim, Dr. Felix Halim, and Dr. Suhendry Effendy. The authors are part of the 
  • star-studded UVa Online Judges team of the ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest), according to Prof Bill Poucher, President of ICPC Foundation.
  • Gold, Silver and Bronze Medalists of DrCT International Local will be invited to join STEAM AHEAD to compete in the STEAM AHEAD – DrCT Global Finals. They will have a chance to 
  • win the President’s Award for Excellence in Steam.
  • For all Singapore MOE Schools, students enroll through their school for FREE DrCT contest, and GOLD Secondary medalists of DrCT will be invited to participate in National Software
  •  Competition (NSC) organized by Singapore Polytechnic.
  • Gold Medalists of DrCT will also be invited to participate in a series of programming workshops organized by NUS, School of Computing (SOC) to prepare them for NOI 2023. 


Grades 1-2: Preparatory Computational Thinking

This course is designed to prepare very young children for learning the core ideas of computer
science. It is thought that children at this age have very limited mental faculties for performing
one of the central aspects of computational thinking: abstraction. Lessons and activities in this
course will therefore mostly concern concrete pattern finding and following and completing
instructions. This course may be done without a computer, but the experience of the students
can be enriched if computers are available. This lesson outline is (heavily) based on
https://classic.csunplugged.org/ and https://code.org/educate/curriculum/elementary-school .

• Lesson 1: Pattern Recognition

• Lesson 2: Sequencing, Debugging
• Using the Computer, Learning to Click, Drag, and Drop
• Lesson 3: Loops
• Lesson 4: Binary Representation of Numbers
• Lesson 5: Representation of Text and Images

Grades 3-4: Introduction to Computer Science and Computational Thinking 1

This course introduces young children to the core ideas of computer science. Many key ideas of
computer science are made accessible and engaging for this age group by presenting them as
games. This course may be done without a computer, but the experience of the students can be
enriched if computers are available. This lesson outline is (heavily) based on
https://classic.csunplugged.org/ and https://code.org/educate/curriculum/elementary-school .

• Lesson 1: Review of Sequencing and Loops, Conditions

• Lesson 2: Trees
• Lesson 3: Information Theory
• Lesson 4: Searching
• Lesson 5: Sorting
• Lesson 6: Programming Languages

Grades 5-6: Introduction to Computer Science and Computational Thinking 2

This is a natural continuation of the previous course. If the schedule allows, in theory, a 3rd
grader who has completed the previous course can immediately start this course. There is no
need to wait until the 5th grade, as long as the student is mature enough for slightly more
abstract reasoning. A little bit of familiarity with algebra will be assumed for some parts of the
course, in particular, the use of variables and functions, but students will likely be able to learn
the concept even without having encountered it in math classes before as they will be presented
using a visual programming language. Some parts of this course strictly require a computer
while some parts don’t. This lesson outline is (lightly) based on https://classic.csunplugged.org/
and https://code.org/educate/curriculum/elementary-school .

• Lesson 1: Functions

• Lesson 2: Variables
• Lesson 3: Introduction to Networks (Graph Theory)
• Lesson 4: Finite State Automata
• Lesson 5: Boolean Algebra, Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Grades 7-8: Programming in Python

Now that the student has “conceptually” learned most core computer science concepts and
have done a little bit of programming in a visual programming language, they should be ready to
do some “real” programming. Algebra is a pre-requisite for this course: students should already
be familiar with the notions of variables, equations, inequalities, and functions.

• Lesson 1: Introduction to Python, Input and Output, Primitives, Variables, Model of
• Evaluation, Conditionals
• Lesson 2: Lists, Strings, Iteration, Loop Invariants
• Lesson 3: Functions, Principle of Abstraction and Modularity, Top-down Design
• Lesson 4: Testing and Debugging
• Lesson 5: Lambda Expressions and Higher-Order Functions
• Lesson 6: Recursion

Grades 9-10: Introduction to Algorithm Design 1

Having learned and mastered the basics of programming, students can now begin their journey
into what is popularly called “competitive programming.” At this stage, they begin learning
fundamental problem solving and algorithm design principles which are at the heart of computer
science. Additionally, they also learn how to prove correctness and efficiency, and learn
practical implementation with a programming language.

• Lesson 1: Complete Search

• Lesson 2: Asymptotic Analysis
• Lesson 3: Modular Arithmetic
• Lesson 4: Counting
• Lesson 5: Divide-and-Conquer, Part 1: Binary Search
• Lesson 6: Divide-and-Conquer, Part 2: Sorting and More Examples
• Lesson 7: Introduction to Networks (Graph Theory)
• Lesson 8: Network Exploration (Graph Traversal)
• Lesson 9: Recursive Backtracking
• Lesson 10: Dynamic Programming

Grades 11-12: Introduction to Algorithm Design 2

This is a natural continuation of the previous course. If the schedule allows, in theory, a 9th
grader who has completed the previous course can immediately start this course. There is no
need to wait until the 11th grade, as long as the student is mature enough for analysis and
proofs. This lesson outline is (lightly) based on a programming camp that we have already
successfully held in the Philippines.

• Lesson 1: Introduction to C++, Review of Binary Representation, Bitwise Operations,

• Bitmasking
• Lesson 2: Linear Data Structures
• Lesson 3: Tree Data Structures
• Lesson 4: Greedy Algorithms
• Lesson 5: Shortest Paths
• Lesson 6: Amortized Analysis, Two-pointers Method, Disjoint Set Union-Find



The contest is completed online in schools and supervised by teachers.

Division LOWER PRIMARY  – Grade 1 and 2 (60 minutes)

18 questions (3 NOI similar questions, 15 CT questions)

Division MIDDLE PRIMARY – Grade 3 and 4 (60 minutes)

20 questions (4 NOI similar questions, 16 CT questions)

Division UPPER PRIMARY – Grade 5 and 6 (75 minutes)

24 questions (5 NOI similar questions, 19 CT questions)

Division LOWER SECONDARY – Grade 7 to 8 (75 minutes)

24 questions (6 NOI similar questions, 18 CT questions)

Division UPPER SECONDARY – Grade 9 to 10 (90 minutes)

24 questions (7 NOI similar questions, 17 CT questions)

Division Junior COLLEGE – Grade 11 and 12 (90 minutes)

24 questions (8 NOI similar questions, 16 CT questions)


Easy Questions: 6 marks

Medium Questions: 9 marks

Hard Questions: 12 marks


Perfect Score Award (Full marks) – qualifies as a significant award for IJHS

Gold Award (Top 8%) – qualifies as a significant award for IJHS

Silver Award (Next 12%)

Bronze Award (Next 20%)

Honorable Mention Award (Next 10%)

Certificate of Participation (Next 50%)

The top 50% of the participants will receive an award certificate. Top 40% of winners are invited to compete at STEAM AHEAD 2021 – DrCT Global Finals to be held online

 from December 3 to 7, 2021.  Students must register with the SIMCC country organizer and contest entry is available on a first come first served basis, so register as 

soon as possible to avoid disappointment.

Registration (Private Candidate)

Registration Deadline: TBC
Contest Date: 27th May 2023

Contest Time: TBC (Email will be send out to the same email that are use to register for the competition, a week before the competition’s date)
Contest Venue: All Online only
Registration Closing Date: TBC
Registration Link:

*Important Note: 

Registration (School Candidate)

NOTE: ONLY SCHOOL TEACHERS CAN REGISTER FOR STUDENTS AS SCHOOL CANDIDATE. Minimum of 10 Students are needed to be able to register as School Candidate.

Contest Date Window: 29th May 2023 to 14th July 2023
Contest Time: Set by Teacher-in-charge
Contest Venue: Set by Teacher -in-Charge

How to register

    1.  School will send the parent invitation letter to the parents for them to register.
    2. The parents will pay directly to school either using cash or EduSave.
    3. Teacher can download the registration form , fill in the student information and upload the form to our MDP Portal at https://form.simcc.org. If you are unsure on how to
    4.  upload to the
    5.  MDP Portal, you can email in to admin@simcc.org and we will guide you on the process of creating an account up to the process of uploading the form to the portal.

Its FREE for all Singapore School candidates !6


Practice Questions

Past Year Questions

Grade 1 and Grade 2 – Click here
Grade 3 and Grade 4 – Click here
Grade 5 and Grade 6 – Click here
Grade 7 and Grade 8 – Click here
Grade 9 and Grade 10 – Click here

Past Year Questions – Answer Key

Grade 1 and Grade 2 – Click here
Grade 3 and Grade 4 – Click here
Grade 5 and Grade 6 – Click here
Grade 7 and Grade 8 – Click here
Grade 9 and Grade 10 – Click here


Computational Thinking Practice Questions

Click here to access computational thinking questions.

1. Kits (P1 and P2)
2. Castors (P3 and P4)
3. Juniors (P5 and P6)
4. Intermediate (Sec1 and Sec2)
5. Seniors (Sec3 and Sec4)
6. Elite (JC1 and JC2)

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